Get an in-depth look at the updates and changes to the third edition of AEPS, including a seamless assessment for children birth to 6 years; new li...
This guide highlights the wide variety of OSEP child outcomes reports available inside AEPSi.
Brookes Publishing is committed to ensuring the accessibility of the AEPSi online system for all users. Read the Accessibility Statement for AEPSi....
Watch this webinar recording to explore OSEP child outcomes reporting using the AEPSi system. You’ll learn why the AEPS-3 Test is an ideal ch...
Learn how AEPS®-3 helps you accurately measure and support progress for children who have or are at risk for disabilities.
This guide highlights the wide variety of child, classroom, and program reports available inside AEPSi.
See this slide deck tour of the brand-new AEPSi system for use with AEPS-3.
This sheet outlines the technical details for system requirements, security features, and compliance information for the AEPSi system.
See this handout about the importance of monitoring interrater reliabilty when using observation-based tools like AEPS-3.
Use this list of helpful questions to ask families when creating IFSP and IEP plans.
See the routines and activities included in each level of the AEPS-3 Curriculum.