Why AEPS3_3


Jeannine Mayhew

Regional Sales Representative

Regions includes: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee
  • 1-800-638-3775 ext. 191
Jeannine Mayhew

AEPS®-3 is approved for Ohio prekindergarten

AEPS-3 is approved for inclusion on Ohio’s list of high-quality core curriculum and instructional materials for English language arts for Prekindergarten.  Choosing AEPS-3 as your assessment tool ensures that all children in districts across Ohio are learning and making progress.

Trusted for decades by early childhood professionals, AEPS-3 is a comprehensive, reliable system that seamlessly links assessment, goal development, teaching and intervention, and evaluation for children from birth through age six. Our robust online management system streamlines assessment with group options and simplifies reporting—so Ohio’s  teachers can focus on children, not paperwork.

AEPS®-3 and Ohio

AEPS-3 is the most powerful assessment and curriculum system for ensuring that every young child in your state makes real progress, from the first months of life through kindergarten.

More than just an assessment, AEPS-3 gives the programs in your state the most accurate, useful child data and a proven way to turn data into action across all their key tasks. Goal setting, IFSP/IEP development, classroom teaching and intervention, progress monitoring, family communication—it’s all integrated in the AEPS-3 linked system, to support collaboration and help improve outcomes for all children across Ohio.