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6 Benefits of AEPS-3 IRR Certification


AEPS®-3 Interrater Reliability Certification is an ideal way to ensure that you and your staff are using observation skills to score the AEPS-3 Test correctly and consistently. Developed by AEPS-3 author Jennifer Grisham, this field-tested online certification module is a must for states and districts that require teachers to demonstrate reliability on assessments.

The AEPS-3 IRR Certification takes about 2-4 hours to complete. Users view a narrated training presentation and watch video examples that cover all 8 areas of the AEPS-3 Test: fine motor, gross motor, adaptive, social-emotional, social-communication, cognitive, literacy, and math. While observing children in these naturalistic, closed-captioned videos, users take a practice test and review the correct answers. Then, users complete the certification test, observing and scoring items across every area of the AEPS-3 Test. The online system calculates and reports overall results and results by area immediately—and gives users a chance to review the correct answers and rationale for each score to build their knowledge.


IRR Certification will help your program:

  • Ensure that AEPS-3 is scored accurately and consistently
  • Pinpoint professional development needs of AEPS-3 users
  • Support accurate data collection for OSEP child outcomes reporting
  • Increase providers’ AEPS-3 knowledge and confidence
  • Boost parent, administrator, and supervisor confidence in the accuracy of child assessment data
  • Allow providers to demonstrate AEPS-3 competence concretely—helpful when planning for advancement or applying for new positions

Users who score 80% or higher on the test are certified reliable for three years and can print a certificate. Those with scores that fall below 80% can review the first test and take a second test to try for certification. (A user’s access period for the certification module is valid for one year from the date of purchase.)

When AEPS-3 users are certified, you can be confident that your assessment information is reliable: for every child, across observers, across different circumstances, and on different days. More accurate AEPS-3 results mean better intervention and instructional decisions—and better child outcomes.

Add AEPS-3 IRR Certification to your professional toolbox today!